Friday, March 18, 2016

LNCS Blog 2016

I go to Lake Norman Charter School. Lake Norman Charter is obviously a charter school which I am a fan of compared to public schools. Our school is pretty compact so we all know each other and we all get along very well for the most part. Also, our classes are smaller than a typical public school class which I benefit from because I know I will have a better understanding of what I am learning.
   My math class is pretty cool. I like math because it just sort of makes sense to me. I did not always get math until I got to eighth grade here at charter. I am not embarrassed to ask questions if I ever have any because I know my grade will improve. My teacher is really kind and she really cares about us and wants us all to succeed. At the same time, she knows that she can only do so much and we have to be intrinsically motivated to do good in her class.
   My chemistry class is also really sweet. In all honestly, I have always hated science and every sub-topic science has. This year though, I really started to understand what I was doing and I became a fan. As a matter of fact, I almost moved up to physics honors. I did really well and most of that is due to my chemistry teacher who does a terrific job at teaching. Also, the class is not afraid to ask questions so we all have good grades. 
   Our administration is really good too. Our counselors really care about us and they do everything they can to help us out in whatever way. Our new principal is also probably the best principal ive ever had. Hes really cool and nice guy but he also knows he has a job and he balances those two tremendously. Lake Norman Charter has the best staff this year compared to any other previous year(not that they were previously bad). 
   My favorite class without a doubt is team sports. Team sports is probably the class I enjoy the most. Im probably the most athletic person in the class. Actually, im probably the most athletic person in the school. If its a sport, im game. Sometimes, I think im too good and I just have to act like im not so other kids can have fun too. Basically whenever I have a chance to score you can bet I scored without a problem. My main sport is volleyball. Volleyball is typically the sport I go off in. Right now we are playing basketball and my team is undefeated. Honestly its more than likely because im on the team and I just spread good vibes. I never really pass the ball because im so good so everyone just passes me the ball and when they dont I just steal it and make 3s. Theres only one place I reside and thats in the scoreboard. I live for the thrill and if there was an AP Team Sports I would take it even though it would probably be too low for me. My coach is a pretty big guy, hes seen as a rather ripped individual but I can still body him without a problem. I can probably body anyone ever. One quick tip for those who want to be good at sports: Always assert your dominance to everyone else in the class. Ill leave you all with a picture of me doing what I do best. Frame it if you want. Your welcome.